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A-Z Faculty

Below is a list of all Department of Pathology faculty. View individual profiles of our faculty members — with publication and contact information, research and clinical specialties and more — via the links below.

Yang, Guang-Yu

Yang, Guang-Yu

Professor, Pathology (Experimental Pathology), Pathology (Gastrointestinal Pathology)

Yang, Ximing J

Yang, Ximing J

Professor, Pathology (Genitourinary Pathology), Urology

Yap, Kai Lee

Yap, Kai Lee

Assistant Professor, Pathology (Pediatric Pathology)

Yaseen, Nabeel R

Yaseen, Nabeel R

Professor Emeritus, Pathology (Hematopathology)

Yeldandi, Anjana

Yeldandi, Anjana

Associate Professor, Pathology (Thoracic Pathology)

Yi, Rui

Yi, Rui

Professor, Pathology (Experimental Pathology), Dermatology

Yokoo, Hidejiro

Yokoo, Hidejiro

Professor Emeritus, Pathology

Yue, Feng

Yue, Feng

Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, Pathology

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