A-Z Faculty
Below is a list of all Department of Pathology faculty. View individual profiles of our faculty members — with publication and contact information, research and clinical specialties and more — via the links below.
LaBoy, Carissa
Assistant Professor, Pathology (Breast Pathology)
Lee, John C
Clinical Assistant Professor, Pathology
Leuer, Katrin
Assistant Professor, Pathology (Pediatric Pathology)
Levin, Stephen I
Research Assistant Professor, Pathology
Liao, Jie
Research Associate Professor, Pathology (Research)
Liechty, Emma
Research Assistant Professor, Pathology
Lin, Xiaoqi
Professor, Pathology (Cytopathology), Pathology (Thoracic Pathology)
Lindholm, Paul F
Professor, Pathology (Hemostasis), Pathology (Transfusion Medicine)
Liu, Yijie
Assistant Professor, Pathology (Hematopathology)
Lomasney, Jon W
Associate Professor, Pathology (Autopsy), Pharmacology, Pathology (Cardiac Pathology)