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A-Z Faculty

Below is a list of all Department of Pathology faculty. View individual profiles of our faculty members — with publication and contact information, research and clinical specialties and more — via the links below.

Ramsey, Glenn

Ramsey, Glenn

Professor, Pathology (Transfusion Medicine), Pathology (Hemostasis)

Rao, Sambasiva M

Rao, Sambasiva M

Professor Emeritus, Pathology

Rathbun, Pamela A

Rathbun, Pamela A

Assistant Professor, Pathology (Pediatric Pathology)

Reddy, M Kumudavalli

Reddy, M Kumudavalli

Associate Professor Emeritus, Pathology

Retzinger, Gregory S

Retzinger, Gregory S

Professor, Pathology (Clinical Chemistry)

Richardson, Aida I

Richardson, Aida I

Assistant Professor, Pathology (Pediatric Pathology)

Roth, Sanford I

Roth, Sanford I

Professor Emeritus, Pathology

Rytych, Jennifer L

Rytych, Jennifer L

Instructor, Pathology

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